日本財団 図書館


pollutants. A major program underway at NOAA over the past 8 years is the Status and Trends Program. This program involves: sampling bottom fish, shellfish, and sediments at about 300 sites in coastal waters around the United States; making laboratory measurements of over 70 chemical contaminants in sediments, fish livers, and bivalves; and analyzing annual data for year-to-year comparisons to determine the status and trends in pollutant levels. NOAA's Strategic Assessment Program enables multi-users of the coastal environment to make informed decisions for the wise use of the ocean and its resources.


5. Marine Environmental Complex (MAREX).


A marine environmental facility that serves as a center for environmental research for collecting, assessing, storing and distributing information and providing educational services to the public is greatly needed for Osaka Bay. In reviewing candidate sites around the coastal perimeter of Osaka Bay, Awaji Island provides an excellent choice, supported by a strong justification, as a location for a Marine Environmental Complex (MAREX), and for an adjacent marine sanctuary.


Awaji Island presents an overall impression as an isolated green oasis and environmental sanctuary adjacent to a densely populated, industrially active Osaka Bay area mega-infrastructure with a degraded marine environment. Because of its past isolation, Awaji Island has retained a relatively unpolluted environment. It is fortunate to have such an area along the western perimeter of Osaka Bay Awaji Island Is uniquely situated for utilization as an environmental reference and standard for comparison of environmental conditions with the rest of Osaka Bay; and an ideal location for a Marine Environmental Complex (MAREX) for research, information and data analysis and distribution. It could ultimately evolve into a leading center for Japan's "Green Network". The MAREX would be located south of the port city of Sumoto near the towns of Yura-Oishi.


The MAREX could establish a Yura-Oishi Research Village to accommodate researchers, conference attendees and visitors wanting to enjoy and learn about the value and importance of the natural environment Awaji Island and the proposed MAREX would be the environmental partner in the sustainable development of the Osaka Bay Area Mega- Infrastructure. It would provide a very important link in the Marine Corridor Project, planned to enhance the economic and environmental vitality of Osaka Bay.


MAREX could provide a Marine Environmental showcase for Japan and an important link for international cooperation and exchange of information and data on regional and global environmental problems.


In view of the nearly completed Akashi bridge linking Awaji Island to Kobe, it is essential that plans be implemented now to prevent any further degradation. Also, it is an ideal time to begin the establishment of a Marine Environmental Complex (MAREX).
There are many facilities world-wide that can be considered and the best ideas can be integrated to fulfill the needs. There are environmental research centers, information and data collection centers, coastal resorts, marine parks, underwater parks, marine recreational facilities, marine sanctuaries etc., that can be considered for application at MAREX, and scaled and tailored to fulfill MAREX needs.


The master plan should consider the future addition of a marine resort with recreational facilities adjacent to the research village. The theme of the marine resort might be "The Appreciation and Enjoyment of the Natural Marine Environment". Visitors would come to behold the refreshing coastal environment away from the noise and bustle of the big cities. Visitors could enjoy: surrounding marine parks with nature trails; an aquarium featuring regional and local fauna and flora; a marine museum featuring the science and technology for sustainable coastal development; laboratory tours and public lectures. It may be possible to extend the marine resort into the bay to include an underwater aquarium with local and regional species. Good examples of underwater aquaria are located in Singapore, New Orleans and San Francisco. The Aquarium can provides large scale live exhibits depicting various local coastal settings complete with indigenous birds, marine life and vegetation. The overall objective of this marine resort would be to accommodate visitors to: enjoy the experience; raise their environmental consciousness; absorb the message of sustainable development; and afterwards spread the message to their respective communities.This could help build a constituency of supporters of the natural marine environment.




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